Saturday, August 28, 2010

Satria F Noken As VIP

Noken As VIP for Satria F 150
Satria F Noken As VIP

Noken As VIP since Satria F 150, just one just typecast. that is single spek Walter Piston simple machine 65 millimeter. These are admit cam stroke +3 mm. But do not worryfor you have higher than that. You can entry one spek only. because Satria F Noken AS is imported to marketing bore up which doing by satria f bikers in Indonesia. So, the Satria F Noken As VIP ready to competence on marketing.
Satria F Noken As VIP

Satria F Noken As VIP

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1 comment:

  1. how can i buy this camshafts from here in greece ?
